Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friend Of The Poor?

I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.--Barack Obama

I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody.
--Barack Obama

I'm a warrior for the middle class.--Barack Obama

If we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, if we choose to keep a tax break for corporate jet owners, if we choose to keep tax breaks for oil and gas companies that are making hundreds of billions of dollars, then that means we've got to cut some kids off from getting a college scholarship.
--Barack Obama


     Barack Obama claims to support the well being of the poor and middle class in this nation. Barack Obama is lying. There is one thing, more than anything else, that would help the poor and middle class in this nation. It is the one thing that Barack Obama refuses to do. What is that one thing, you might ask?


     Energy? Yes, energy. 

     The price of a gallon of gasoline is once again on the rise. We are looking at $4.00 a gallon by Memorial Day.  Middle class Americans are struggling hard with rising energy costs, and the poor are being devastated by them.  What the President, in his superior wisdom doesn't, or refuses, to grasp, is that energy is the key to our recovery.  You want companies to hire? They need low energy costs. You want consumers to consume? They need low energy costs. You want the poor to climb out of poverty? They don't need a government handout, they need low energy costs. 

     The poor in this country have to eat. They have to get to work. They have to clothe their families. They have to heat their homes. These are necessities, and everyone of them could cost poor families a lot less of their incomes if energy was abundant, and affordable.

     Take a look at the highways of America. What do you see? You see eighteen wheeled, steel beasts of burden carrying their wares. Every one of them is burning diesel fuel. They don't run on Skittles and empty solar panel promises. Everything, from the food we eat, to the cars we drive, to the shoes we wear, are transported to us across the backbone of those beautiful chrome addled monsters. The more it costs to feed those behemoths, the more it costs to feed our children. The more it costs to clothe our children. The more it costs the poor and middle class to simply live.

    In spite of this, Barack Obama, and his cronies in Congress, refuse to allow America to explore and utilize the massive stores of oil under our feet. Drilling in the Gulf? Nope. Drilling in ANWAR? Nope. Pipeline from Alberta to hungry U.S. markets? Nope.

     What about our homes? They run on kilowatts. America's poor and middle class need affordable electricity. How does Obama help in that regard? By targeting the coal industry for destruction. Onerous regulations on mining. Blatant disregard for the needs of America's poorest citizens when it comes to heating and cooling their homes. More demand for electricity, with no more generation of vital kilowatts. That just drives the price of flowing electrons through the roof. What about nuclear power? Only two permits in the last thirty years, and those just recently at Vogel nuclear plant near Augusta, Georgia; suspiciously as a Georgia case on Obama's eligibility in Georgia was thrown out. Payoff? Who knows, but given Obama's track record on energy..........well, draw your own conclusions.

    If we want a prosperous America, we need energy. We needs lots of it. We need it to be abundant. We need it to be affordable. And we need it to be domestic. We must break our dependence on unreliable sources of foreign oil. We must drill for our own oil and natural gas. We must mine and utilize our tremendous reserves of American coal. We must only supplement our reserves with oil from nations friendly to us, like our neighbors to the north. 

     Affordable and abundant energy is also vital to our national security. The United States Military consumes massive amounts of energy. The more affordable that energy is, the less of a burden the price of freedom is to the American taxpayer.

   Alas, Barack Obama is not interested in abundant, affordable American energy. The next time you hear him bloviating about the plight of America's poor and middle class, give him a middle finger, and duck; that growing nose could put your eye out.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome piece J-Mac! My favorite line.... "They don't run on Skittles and empty solar panel promises."
