Saturday, April 7, 2012

America's Disease

     Is Barack Obama destroying this nation? Some say yes; some say no. I say not entirely. Barack Obama is like pneumonia in an AIDS patient. Pneumonia itself isn't usually enough to kill the body, but pneumonia in a system wracked with Human Immunodeficiency Virus is absolutely devastating. Barack Obama is pneumonia in an America suffering from HIV.

     America became infected with HIV in 1912 when Theodore Roosevelt split from the Republican party and formed the Progressive Party. The platform of the Progressive Party included:

     -a national health service
     -minimum wage laws
     -a federal securities commission
     -farm relief
     -an inheritance tax
     -a proposed constitutional amendment allowing for an income tax

     The Progressive Party helped to split the Republican vote in 1912, allowing for the election of Democrat Woodrow Wilson.

     Woodrow Wilson was a die hard Progressive. Under his administration, the Congress passed and he signed in to law these things:

     -The Federal Reserve Act
     -The Federal Trade Commission Act
     -The Federal Farm Loan Act
     The sixteenth amendment to the Constitution was also ratified, implementing a Federal income tax. Compare the accomplishments of Wilson with the party platform of Roosevelt. It's nearly identical.

     According to the Mayo Clinic, most people infected with HIV experience an episode of flu-like symptoms within a month or two of contraction. This is something that is easily overlooked by the patient as a simple cold or flu case. No worries. Unfortunately, the viral load (amount of virus in the bloodstream) is very high at this time, making transmission of the virus easy and efficient. 

     In 1912, America didn't see anything but a few sniffles. No big deal, but the virus was in the bloodstream, replicating, quietly assaulting the immune system of the nation, and waiting.

     America's illness went into a decade of remission from 1920-1929 under the presidencies of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, but the invisible beast began it's covert attack in earnest once again with the election of Herbert Hoover, and continued at breakneck speed through the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, cousin of the initial source of infection.

     After the stock market crash of 1929, and 2 years of misery under Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt was elected President of the United States.  Roosevelt, with the aid of a yes man Congress began to enact his New Deal. Under the first New Deal massive amounts of new legislation were signed into law, including:

     -The Federal Emergency Relief Agency
     -The Civilian Conservation Corps
     -The Agricultural Adjustment Administration
     -The National Industrial Recovery Act (which the Supreme Court found unconstitutional)
     -The Securities and Exchange Commission
     -The Tennessee Valley Authority

     Roosevelt also issued Executive Order 6102 which forced all privately held gold to be sold to the U.S. Treasury.

     After the 1934 midterm elections, the virus rampaged more with the inception of the second New Deal which included:

     -The Works Progress Administration
     -The Social Security Act
     -The National Labor Relations Act
     Without treatment, HIV usually progresses to AIDS in about ten years. With America, it has taken about 10 decades, but we are here. A strong, vibrant nation needs a strong immune system to stay that way:
     -a strong economy
     -a strong military
     -a strong work ethic
     -a good and moral populace

America once had these things, but they've been decimated by an infection that has attacked the heart of the nation.

     America's economy is a shambles. It has been attacked unmercifully by the mentality that businesses are just a feeding trough for government largess. All of those social programs enacted over the last century come with a hefty price tag, and that bill is laid on the backs of the entrepreneur and working taxpayer. Add to that the sheer volume of government interference and regulation into every aspect of the businessman's business, and it's a recipe for economic lethargy at best, and collapse at worst.

     America's military is the most advanced fighting force the world has ever known, but it is under assault as well. The military is spread thinner and thinner, with ongoing wars in the Middle East that no one seems to want to win. The military also suffers from the depression of the economy.

     America's work ethic has died. When half a population expects to be sustained by the other half, and the other half comes to the realization that they don't enjoy the fruits of their labors anymore, we have problems; big problems. Trouble is on the horizon.

     The morality of America is in decline. The faith of those who founded this nation and the Rock upon which they built that foundation is under constant assault. It has been under quiet attack for some time, but now the animosity is blatant. The underpinnings of this great nation are being sheared.

    America now has full blown AIDS, and into that mix steps Barack Obama.

     Barack Obama is not the root cause of America's problems, he is pneumonia. He has attacked the lungs of an America whose immune system has been decimated by 100 years of progressive HIV. America's ability to breath is being choked off by Obama's progressive socialist policies:

     -The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
     -The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

     In addition, Obama is choking off energy production by

     -placing a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
     -enacting crippling regulations on coal fired power plants
     -rejecting the Keystone pipeline
     -continuing to ban drilling in ANWR
     -opposing fracking

     Pneumonia can become the cause of death for the AIDS patient because the body's ability to fight has been decimated. America is an AIDS patient under the assault of pneumonia. Does she have enough left in her to fight it off? I don't know, but I sincerely hope so.

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