Tuesday, January 3, 2012

J-Mac On The Issues

Welcome to the Republican Primary Debate here on WXYZ Channel 6. I'm your moderator, Kip Withers. Our first question is from Niles Sneedledum of San Francisco. It's for Mr. Mac.

I have a degrees in linguistics and in Oriental philosophy, and I cannot find a decent job. What will you do to subsidize my future? 

Well, Niles, it is not the taxpayers' responsibility to subsidize your future. As a matter of fact, it isn't the taxpayers' responsibility to subsidize anything. You live in the greatest country on the face of the earth as a free man. Your future is in your hands, and it is wide open. As your President I will do absolutely nothing to subsidize your future. I have faith in you, even if you have no faith in yourself. Get up and go to work, it won't kill you.

OK, we have another question for Mr. Mac. This one comes from Andy Barnett.

What definitive steps would you take to curb the increasing trend of SCOTUS legislating from the bench? 

Great question, Andy. But, the President cannot really do anything about this. This is the responsibility of the Legislative branch of government; the Congress. Unfortunately the Congress is full of crooks and weasels. They do not have the moral courage to exercise proper Congressional authority when it comes to legislation. The sad reality is that our elected "representatives", and I use that term loosely, do not even read the bills they vote on. How in the world can a legislative body legislate properly when it fails to even know what it is legislating. So, to remedy judicial legislating, you and the American people have to replace the Congress. Until that happens, nothing changes.

Our next question is also for Mr. Mac. It comes from Ima in Pennsylvania.

 Can you prove to me that a fetus is a baby? 

This is actually easy, Ima. The entire argument revolves around the notion of a fetus not being a distinct human being. My blood type is A Positive. My mother's blood type is O Negative. Now, even in the earliest days of my gestation, my blood type was A Positive while my mother's blood type was O Negative. Now, this proves that I was not simply part of her body, but distinctly separate and distinctly human, and a very young human who is unable yet to walk or talk is a baby.

Mr. Mac, Matt in Idaho sends in this question.

 Which gun laws would you sign repeals for if given the chance?

Excellent question, Matt. Given the chance, I would sign repeals of every gun law save one: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Another question for Mr. Mac, from Kini in Hawaii.

Will you repeal all of Obamacare, or just parts of it?

This also goes back to the Congress. Give me a Congress that will put a repeal of Obamacare in full on the Resolute Desk, and I will sign it immediately.

Mr. Mac, our final question of the night comes from Charlotte in New Mexico.

Most of you don't believe that we can solve the illegal alien problem by enforcing the law. Do you believe that we could solve it by attrition, by using E-Verify and going after employer's licenses and fining them harshly and not allowing illegal aliens to draw benefits and entitlements?

Ha! New Mexico! Just like Old Mexico, only newer! Seriously, though; my proposals for illegal immigration are simple. The first step is to stop the bleeding. We seal the border, from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico. Once the bleeding is stopped, we begin surgery. Step two: all illegal aliens in the United States have 30 days to apply for citizenship. Anyone in the United States illegally in the United States after the 30 days who hasn't applied for citizenship will be automatically deported, no exceptions. All aliens who have applied for citizenship will have to go through the same procedures as any other person seeking U.S. citizenship. Any alien in the U.S. who, after having applied for citizenship but yet to take the oath of citizenship, is arrested and convicted of a crime, even a misdemeanor, will be automatically deported. All aliens in the U.S. who have applied for citizenship and are in the middle of the naturalization process will be given a tax ID number, and taxes collected on their income, just as it is collected from American citizens. No taxpayer benefits will be paid to anyone in the United States illegally, nor to anyone seeking citizenship who has yet to take the oath of citizenship. And yes, I support an amendment limiting American citizenship to people born to American citizens and people who have undergone the naturalization process.

Thank you for tuning in to the Republican Primary Debate on WXYZ Channel 6. Once again, this is Kip Withers signing off!

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