Thursday, November 3, 2011

Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone!

We don't need no education.......We don't need your thought control....

And thus goes Pink Floyd's "Another Brick In The Wall".

   Thought control is running rampant in our institutes of education. We are witnessing the wholesale indoctrination of the nation's youth into a maddening world view that will lead to the destruction of our nation. Our kids are our future, and we're throwing our future away on the vain philosophies of stupid men. 

   We have a Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings, who promotes gay and lesbian clubs in our primary schools. He is the founder of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network. Now, ask yourself, what kind of education is GLSEN promoting? The kind that would punish a Texas boy for voicing his opinion.

   And then there is global warming, the non-proven, faulty theory that is being rammed down our kids' throats as fact. Our kids are being taught by the evil Queen Carbon that CO2 is killing the Earth. The same CO2 that plants need to grow and thrive, mind you.  

   Let's not forget the student in California punished for saying "Bless You". Apparently, being a polite student of Christian upbringing can get you into trouble in school.  

   Of course, your daughter can, with the help of her school, kill your grandchild, without your consent or even your knowledge. 

   Now, let's get serious here. The future of our nation is in the balance here. As parents, we have got to take seriously the raising of the next generation. Will we continue to tolerate the assault on our kids by social engineers with hidden agendas and ungodly intent? If possible, home school your kids. If home schooling isn't an option for you, WATCH YOUR CHILDREN'S SCHOOL LIKE A HAWK. Be involved with the education your kids are receiving. Do not be afraid to confront the teachers and administrators of the school when necessary. Your kids are just that; YOUR kids. Teach them your values. Teach them the Scriptures. Teach them right from wrong. Personal responsibility. The Constitution. The Declaration of Independence. Help them to think critically, and for the sake of this nation, teach them civic duty. Teach them to balance a checkbook. To budget their money. To make change out of a cigar box. Teach them to love their neighbor as themselves. Teach them to work hard. Teach them that there is no free lunch. That the borrower is slave to the lender. That just because it's legal doesn't make it right. Teach them that they will fail. Teach them that that's OK. Teach them to dust themselves off and try again. Teach them to dream big. To be visionary. To never say die. Teach them "Amazing Grace" and "The Star-Spangled Banner". Teach them to be a man; a woman. Teach them to be thankful. To give freely. To do justly. To love mercy. To walk humbly with God.

   Teach them well; America is depending on it.




  1. You and KJ seem to have a thing for 70's rock this morning. Good one buddy!

  2. Great post...I homeschool for all these reasons... After reading about Mr. Dewey and all his progressive friends, I ran as fast as I could away from public schools..
