Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pulling Down The Strong

   President Obama claims he wants to help the poorest among us. How does he want to do this? Does he want to enact government policies that promote economic growth and opportunity for poor Americans to enter the work force so they can acquire skills and experience to climb the ladder of promotion? No. Does he want to enact government policies that encourage small business creation? No. Does he promote government policies that strengthen the nuclear American family? No.

   The President's idea of helping the poor is taking from and tearing down the wealthy. He has no interest in the elevation of the poorest of Americans. He just promises to make them feel better by getting the wealthy out of their yachts and into the same sinking rowboat the poor seem to stay stuck in. The goal should be to get the poor out of the rowboat and into the jon boat with the 15 hp Johnson. From there we should be working toward the Bass Tracker, then the Ranger, then on up the line.

   My father in law knows a good bit about automotive engine repair. I have sought his assistance several times with engine troubles over the years. In that time, I've learned a good bit about engines and about diagnosing problems with them. How? I asked questions.

   Now, I have a suggestion. Instead of seeking to tear down the wealthy in America, why don't we seek to recruit them? We need their knowledge, their wisdom, and their expertise in wealth creation. They have the knowledge, we need the knowledge. Let's start asking questions!

  Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.

   --Calvin Coolidge



1 comment:

  1. What? Obama ask questions? Obama tells, he don't ask whitey for anything!!!!! Coolidge Cracka!!!!
