Whew! The pain is over. Sweet relief. Of course, riding four days on the back of a donkey is not that comfortable in any circumstance, but doing it while nine months pregnant; well, that is near murder. And then the labor pains; oh my, the labor pains. But he's here. He's here, and he's beautiful. What fragile, little hands! Oh, how can such small little hands cradle the entire world, and yet....that's just what the angel said, didn't he?
Ah, Joseph, my Joseph. My rock, my strength. What a blessing he's been. To think of the whispering and finger pointing. The shame he's borne for me. What kind of love is that? Oh, Father; how wonderful and wise You are to provide such a man to me. I'm not worthy, and yet....oh how you love me!
Oh, my Yeshi is crying. Sweet little Yeshi. Are you hungry? Of course you are. You've had a trying time yourself, haven't you? There you go. It's alright. Mama's here.
Oh my God, how is it that I hold you in my arms while you hold me in yours? What a crazy notion! And yet, you're here! I don't know if I'm up to this. I mean, to raise your Son? That is impossible! But, then again, with you nothing's impossible is it? Our father Abraham left all that he knew, because you make all things possible! Moses led our people out of Egypt. King David slew the giant. Queen Esther saved our nation; yes, you make all things possible! You're the God of impossible, and for that, I'm so grateful.
Father, I must rest now, but then again, you know that, don't you? Joseph's strong arms are around me, and little Yeshi is nodding off on my breast. I think I'll get a little sleep now. Father, you are wonderful, and I am your servant; but, this is such a strange way to save the world....
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
They've Got The Wrong President
He's been Abraham Lincoln. He's been John F. Kennedy. He's even claimed to be Ronald Reagan. Now, he's Theodore Roosevelt.
Yep, Barack Obama is now comparing himself to Theodore Roosevelt, and he's not too far from the truth. Remember that Teddy, when he failed to get the nod from the Republican Party ran on a third party platform; a party he called the Progressive Party.
Unfortunately, Barry isn't the only person who has been mentioning Teddy lately. In an interview on Glenn Beck's radio program Newt Gingrich said, "And for government to not leave guarantees that you don't have the ability to change, no private corporation has the purchasing power or the ability to reshape the health system, and in this sense I guess I'm a Theodore Roosevelt Republican. In fact, if I were going to characterize my--on health where I come from, I'm a Theodore Roosevelt Republican and I believe government can lean in the regulatory leaning is okay."
Newt has progressive tendencies. I'd love for that not to be the case, but it is. The fact that he is tooting the horn of the same guy that Barack Obama is concerns me. We don't need another Theodore Roosevelt any more than we need another Franklin Roosevelt. In fact, we should steer clear of Roosevelts, period.
The candidate that we truly need is one who will emulate different Presidents. Those Presidents are Warren Harding and the namesake of this blog, Calvin Coolidge.
President Harding began, and President Coolidge governed over one of the great periods of American prosperity. In 1920, the world suffered from a sharp economic recession; some even say it was a depression. At that time Calvin Coolidge was Vice President under President Warren G. Harding. President Harding's idea for economic recovery was shared by Calvin Coolidge. Against the advice of Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, who suggested "government stimulus" to kick start the economy, President Harding pushed for, and got, tax cuts for ALL INCOME LEVELS, and slashed the government's debt by a third. The result was that by 1923 the unemployment rate in the United States was down to 2.4% from nearly 12% in 1920. In fact, from 1923-1929, the average unemployment rate in America was 3.3%. Calvin Coolidge was President from 1923-1929.
When President Herbert Hoover took office the U.S. economy soared; but recession was coming. October 29, 1929 the stock market lost 25% of its value. That was bad, but no worse than the crash of 1920, so what's the difference? The response to the recession was the difference. Instead of following the lead of Harding and Coolidge, Hoover pushed for government intervention to stimulate the economy. Remind you of any recent President from Midland, Texas? And when that didn't work, like it always doesn't, Franklin Roosevelt was ushered in to office to double down on stupid. Remind you of any current President from Honolulu, Hawaii, or Chicago, Illinois, or a hut in Kenya? Hoover and FDR crippled this economy for over a decade. Bush and Obama have done the same.
Now here we are, looking to elect a President to lead America to prosperity; and instead of a Calvin Coolidge or a Warren Harding, we have a bunch of people running around trying to be like Teddy Roosevelt, who shared the same political thinking as his cousin Franklin. That is just plain stupid.
Where is Warren Harding? Where is Calvin Coolidge?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
O Come All Ye Faithful?
This past Friday, shoppers across the nation kicked off the Christmas season by kicking, biting, punching, and brawling.
This brawl occurred in Atlanta, Texas; at Wal-mart. The good "Christian" folks here were fighting over cheap cotton towels. Cotton towels. Is this what we've come to? What better way to celebrate Christmas than brawling over cheap towels?
Maybe it's time for us to go back to Bethlehem.....
....back to a time when the world lay in darkness....back to when light pierced the darkness....back to when God became flesh and dwelt among us....
Maybe, this year, just maybe we could remember what Christmas is all about......
Thank you Linus.
This brawl occurred in Atlanta, Texas; at Wal-mart. The good "Christian" folks here were fighting over cheap cotton towels. Cotton towels. Is this what we've come to? What better way to celebrate Christmas than brawling over cheap towels?
Maybe it's time for us to go back to Bethlehem.....
....back to a time when the world lay in darkness....back to when light pierced the darkness....back to when God became flesh and dwelt among us....
Maybe, this year, just maybe we could remember what Christmas is all about......
Thank you Linus.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone!
We don't need no education.......We don't need your thought control....
And thus goes Pink Floyd's "Another Brick In The Wall".
Thought control is running rampant in our institutes of education. We are witnessing the wholesale indoctrination of the nation's youth into a maddening world view that will lead to the destruction of our nation. Our kids are our future, and we're throwing our future away on the vain philosophies of stupid men.
We have a Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings, who promotes gay and lesbian clubs in our primary schools. He is the founder of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network. Now, ask yourself, what kind of education is GLSEN promoting? The kind that would punish a Texas boy for voicing his opinion.
And then there is global warming, the non-proven, faulty theory that is being rammed down our kids' throats as fact. Our kids are being taught by the evil Queen Carbon that CO2 is killing the Earth. The same CO2 that plants need to grow and thrive, mind you.
Let's not forget the student in California punished for saying "Bless You". Apparently, being a polite student of Christian upbringing can get you into trouble in school.
Of course, your daughter can, with the help of her school, kill your grandchild, without your consent or even your knowledge.
Now, let's get serious here. The future of our nation is in the balance here. As parents, we have got to take seriously the raising of the next generation. Will we continue to tolerate the assault on our kids by social engineers with hidden agendas and ungodly intent? If possible, home school your kids. If home schooling isn't an option for you, WATCH YOUR CHILDREN'S SCHOOL LIKE A HAWK. Be involved with the education your kids are receiving. Do not be afraid to confront the teachers and administrators of the school when necessary. Your kids are just that; YOUR kids. Teach them your values. Teach them the Scriptures. Teach them right from wrong. Personal responsibility. The Constitution. The Declaration of Independence. Help them to think critically, and for the sake of this nation, teach them civic duty. Teach them to balance a checkbook. To budget their money. To make change out of a cigar box. Teach them to love their neighbor as themselves. Teach them to work hard. Teach them that there is no free lunch. That the borrower is slave to the lender. That just because it's legal doesn't make it right. Teach them that they will fail. Teach them that that's OK. Teach them to dust themselves off and try again. Teach them to dream big. To be visionary. To never say die. Teach them "Amazing Grace" and "The Star-Spangled Banner". Teach them to be a man; a woman. Teach them to be thankful. To give freely. To do justly. To love mercy. To walk humbly with God.
Teach them well; America is depending on it.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Fair: marked by impartiality and honesty: free from self interest, prejudice, or favoritism
"All I'm saying is that those who have done well, including me, should pay their fair share in taxes."--Barack Obama
Does anyone in view of my pixels really think that Barack Obama is interested in fairness? Do you see impartiality in the current tax code? Is there honesty among our so-called leaders today? Is Barack Obama free from self interest when he demonizes one economic class to curry favor with another? Does he operate without prejudice? Does he show favoritism? There is nothing "fair" about Barack Obama, yet he throws the word around with impunity.
Mr. Obama wages class warfare like Genghis Khan rampaging across the steppes of central Asia. Remember what he told Joe Wurzelbacher:
Mr. Obama and most of those in Washington, D.C. believe they should have complete access to your money. What they don't understand (or don't care to understand) is that your income is the physical representation of your labor. In essence, Obama and those like him in this government think that they OWN a certain percentage of you. Think about it: your income is earned by the sweat of your brow, the ache of your muscles, the intellect of your mind; and politicians have generated a tax system that lays claim to you.
Slavery: the state of a person who is a chattel of another
You have become a slave. As currently implemented, the U.S. Tax Code makes you a slave; the chattel of others. Your sweat, your blood, your time (of which you have a limited amount) is exerted to earn income to provide for you and your family; yet the government lays claim to a percentage of that against your will. You are a slave.
We all know that a certain level of taxation is necessary for the proper operation of our government, but what did America's 30th President have to say about it?
"Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery."--Calvin Coolidge
President Coolidge was absolutely right; and this government is collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary. But, you may argue, we are running deficits and amassing debt. This is true, but it isn't due to a lack of taxation. It is due to excessive government spending, fiscal stupidity, and spiritual wickedness in high places.
To top everything off, we now have "Eat the Rich" parties going on across America wearing the "Occupy" moniker. Protesters are demanding the full economic enslavement of the wealthy for the benefit of those protesting. They are railing against "Evil Corporations"; the same corporations that provide us with food, clothing, transportation, toiletries, energy, entertainment and countless other goods and services that make our lives better; and they are doing it with the full support and sanction of the President of the United States of America.
It's time for a reality check for these folks. What does the Almighty have to say about this?
You shall not steal.--Exodus 20:15
You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.--Exodus 20:17
For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work; neither shall he eat.--2 Thessalonians 3:10
I've heard people in these protests claim that Jesus would support what they are trying to accomplish. No, he would not. He would not only not support their "occupation", he'd insist that they find an occupation.
But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.--1 Timothy 5:8
That's pretty cut and dry, wouldn't you say?
The income tax penalizes those that do the right thing; that work hard, that provide for their own, that seek to live responsibly. It rewards those that do not; those that seek to steal from others by using the government as the hitman.
The OWS protesters seek to suck the vitality out of the responsible and the successful like parasites slowly bleeding the life out of their host.
The question you have to ask yourself is this: When is enough, enough? When will the American people stand up and say: NO! Not one more percent, not one more dollar, not one more drop of blood or bead of sweat! When will we have had enough? Is it to late? May it not be so.
"All I'm saying is that those who have done well, including me, should pay their fair share in taxes."--Barack Obama
Does anyone in view of my pixels really think that Barack Obama is interested in fairness? Do you see impartiality in the current tax code? Is there honesty among our so-called leaders today? Is Barack Obama free from self interest when he demonizes one economic class to curry favor with another? Does he operate without prejudice? Does he show favoritism? There is nothing "fair" about Barack Obama, yet he throws the word around with impunity.
Mr. Obama wages class warfare like Genghis Khan rampaging across the steppes of central Asia. Remember what he told Joe Wurzelbacher:
Mr. Obama and most of those in Washington, D.C. believe they should have complete access to your money. What they don't understand (or don't care to understand) is that your income is the physical representation of your labor. In essence, Obama and those like him in this government think that they OWN a certain percentage of you. Think about it: your income is earned by the sweat of your brow, the ache of your muscles, the intellect of your mind; and politicians have generated a tax system that lays claim to you.
Slavery: the state of a person who is a chattel of another
You have become a slave. As currently implemented, the U.S. Tax Code makes you a slave; the chattel of others. Your sweat, your blood, your time (of which you have a limited amount) is exerted to earn income to provide for you and your family; yet the government lays claim to a percentage of that against your will. You are a slave.
We all know that a certain level of taxation is necessary for the proper operation of our government, but what did America's 30th President have to say about it?
"Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery."--Calvin Coolidge
President Coolidge was absolutely right; and this government is collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary. But, you may argue, we are running deficits and amassing debt. This is true, but it isn't due to a lack of taxation. It is due to excessive government spending, fiscal stupidity, and spiritual wickedness in high places.
To top everything off, we now have "Eat the Rich" parties going on across America wearing the "Occupy" moniker. Protesters are demanding the full economic enslavement of the wealthy for the benefit of those protesting. They are railing against "Evil Corporations"; the same corporations that provide us with food, clothing, transportation, toiletries, energy, entertainment and countless other goods and services that make our lives better; and they are doing it with the full support and sanction of the President of the United States of America.
It's time for a reality check for these folks. What does the Almighty have to say about this?
You shall not steal.--Exodus 20:15
You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.--Exodus 20:17
For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work; neither shall he eat.--2 Thessalonians 3:10
I've heard people in these protests claim that Jesus would support what they are trying to accomplish. No, he would not. He would not only not support their "occupation", he'd insist that they find an occupation.
But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.--1 Timothy 5:8
That's pretty cut and dry, wouldn't you say?
The income tax penalizes those that do the right thing; that work hard, that provide for their own, that seek to live responsibly. It rewards those that do not; those that seek to steal from others by using the government as the hitman.
The OWS protesters seek to suck the vitality out of the responsible and the successful like parasites slowly bleeding the life out of their host.
The question you have to ask yourself is this: When is enough, enough? When will the American people stand up and say: NO! Not one more percent, not one more dollar, not one more drop of blood or bead of sweat! When will we have had enough? Is it to late? May it not be so.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Yesterday, my wife and I went to see Courageous. This is a wonderful movie that will make you laugh, cry, and think. Most of all, to think.
The premise of Courageous is men resolving to be men. Men who love their wives, their children, and yes; the Lord. Men who are willing and determined to be the best that they can be; to take the responsibility for themselves and their families.
Take a look around you. What do you see? You see chaos, strife, unrest. You see class warfare. You see hatred. You see immorality running rampant. The world is spinning out of control. The nations are raging. The prospects of peace are nil, and the likelihood of war is immense.
Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war.--James 4:1-2
Lustful desire and irrational selfishness contribute to war and strife; hatred and animosity. The world is full of iniquity. But what would happen if men became what they were designed to be?
Imagine, as in Courageous, that a few men began to take their responsibilities seriously, I mean really seriously. You see, a man is the ordained head of his household. When a man steps up to the plate and begins to act and live in the manner he was intended, his family follows suit. When a man and his wife are one flesh as they should be, they become the most powerful agents of moral instruction in existence, more so than the Church. More so than the law. More so than the government.
Contrary to what the liberal intellectuals will tell you; kids need their dads. If you're looking for proof, open your eyes to the chaos around you. We are witnessing a whole generation of young people who have little or no direction. Look at the prisons overflowing with young men who are serving time for stealing, killing, and destroying; stealing from their neighbors, killing their fellow man, destroying their own lives. If you ask these young men about their lives and their families, you'll find a common theme: Fatherlessness. Vast numbers of these young men have never had a relationship with their fathers. Many of them have never even met their fathers. Young boys need their dads to step up to the plate and teach them what it means to be responsible men themselves.
Fathers aren't only vital to the well being of their sons, they are vital to the well being of young girls as well. A girl needs her dad. She needs him to be an example to her of what a man is supposed to be. How many young women do you see on a daily basis that are struggling to raise kids on their own because they looked to a man who didn't know what being a man is for their self worth? How many of these girls gave themselves sexually to an immature boy with no idea of manhood because of words of adoration she should have heard from her dad? Men, your little girls need to hear you tell them that they are special, that they are adored, that they are beautiful. They need their fathers to display the love, protection, and adoration for them that they should look for in a husband. They need that more than you can imagine.
Men are not only needed in the family; they are needed in this country. America, in my honest opinion, is in a drought. She is starving for men of integrity. She is dying for the lack of courage among her men today. Look at the state of things around you. This nation is $14 trillion in debt. Responsible men, courageous men, honest men, men of integrity would not allow this to happen. We have abdicated our responsibility to not only vet and seek out good men to lead us, but to hold them accountable when they don't. We cannot allow what has happened any longer.
How can we sit back and watch things like the Solyndra scandal to occur and do nothing about it? How can we sit by and watch evil people ruin a good woman like Sarah Palin, and her family? How can we be silent about 50 million sons and daughters systematically eliminated in the womb under the guise of "choice"? How long do we continue to watch evil overlooked while righteousness is oppressed?
How can we sit still and allow our economy to be destroyed? How can we be passive about a weakened America, which leads to a more unstable and dangerous world? How can we look our children in the eye and tell them that their future is bleak because we were weak?
Will we be the generation of men who presided over the destruction of our families, our communities, and our nation because we didn't have the courage to stand up? Will we refuse to be Courageous?
May it not be so.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Facing The Giants
"So, Coach; how strong is Westview this year?"
"A lot stronger than we are."
"You already written Friday night down as a loss, Brock?"
Like Brock in the movie Facing The Giants;
the Republican establishment has nearly written 2012 off as a loss. They see President Obama as a lot stronger than we are. So, like Brock; they want to simply go to the 30 yard line. They have no vision, no desire to do the hard things. They aren't interested in the economic future of America; only in their election to office.
We are told by the establishment that we can't select a strong conservative. That we must choose a moderate. We need someone who will appeal to independents; someone who will not cause any ripple in the pond of the status quo. We need to select Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney is not a conservative. In fact he's far from conservative. Let's take a listen to Mitt, shall we?
Mitt Romney sounds a lot like a liberal Democrat, now doesn't he? At least he used to. Now of course, he's Mr. Conservative. Are we really going to settle for Diet Obama in 2012? Do we really think that we can slow the car down as it careens toward the cliff and everything will be OK? Will driving the car over the cliff at 55 MPH be any less destructive than driving it off at 110 MPH?
Quite frankly, I'm more interested in someone who might actually do the crazy thing; someone who might actually consider using the brake pedal and the steering wheel. Someone who's looking to turn the car around. Someone like Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin is not afraid to call a spade a spade. She's what we need in the White House. She doesn't fear the giants in her way. She's not afraid to tackle the problem head on. She's willing to turn the car around. She knows what she thinks, and thinks what she says. Sarah Palin will not settle for making it to the 30 yard line. She'll leave it all on the field driving for the end zone.
"A lot stronger than we are."
"You already written Friday night down as a loss, Brock?"
Like Brock in the movie Facing The Giants;
the Republican establishment has nearly written 2012 off as a loss. They see President Obama as a lot stronger than we are. So, like Brock; they want to simply go to the 30 yard line. They have no vision, no desire to do the hard things. They aren't interested in the economic future of America; only in their election to office.
We are told by the establishment that we can't select a strong conservative. That we must choose a moderate. We need someone who will appeal to independents; someone who will not cause any ripple in the pond of the status quo. We need to select Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney is not a conservative. In fact he's far from conservative. Let's take a listen to Mitt, shall we?
Mitt Romney sounds a lot like a liberal Democrat, now doesn't he? At least he used to. Now of course, he's Mr. Conservative. Are we really going to settle for Diet Obama in 2012? Do we really think that we can slow the car down as it careens toward the cliff and everything will be OK? Will driving the car over the cliff at 55 MPH be any less destructive than driving it off at 110 MPH?
Quite frankly, I'm more interested in someone who might actually do the crazy thing; someone who might actually consider using the brake pedal and the steering wheel. Someone who's looking to turn the car around. Someone like Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin is not afraid to call a spade a spade. She's what we need in the White House. She doesn't fear the giants in her way. She's not afraid to tackle the problem head on. She's willing to turn the car around. She knows what she thinks, and thinks what she says. Sarah Palin will not settle for making it to the 30 yard line. She'll leave it all on the field driving for the end zone.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Bush, The Berry, and The Barracuda
Once upon a time, there was a Bush who was President. This Bush was a good Bush, but sometimes he listened to bad advise. One day, the economy began to stall, so the well meaning Bush panicked and began to listen to advise from the liberal Bushes around him, not to mention allowing the thinking of the greatest enemies of the Bushes, the Berries, to infiltrate his decisions. He signed on to spending billions of dollars that had to be borrowed to "save the economy".
Now, unfortunately for the Bushes, an election year was here. The Bushes had nominated a pathetic shrub for a candidate, but the opposing Berries had nominated the most clean, articulate Berry they could find. They nominated a Black Berry for President. Now, the volatile economic situation the nation found itself in, and the national weariness of the Bushes helped the Black Berry to storm through the election with big promises of hope and change, and the people were enthralled. The shrub chose, in a last ditch effort to make a wave in the election, a most unlikely running mate.
The shrub picked The Barracuda. The Barracuda proceeded to light a fire of enthusiasm that rattled the Berries to the core. The decision was made by the Berries, with the help of a hostile media, to spear The Barracuda, to net The Barracuda, to destroy The Barracuda. The Berries, through malice, slander, and economic attack destroyed the Barracuda, or so they thought. After Black Berry won the election, the Berry attacks on The Barracuda continued, and in fact, a lot of self serving Bushes joined the Berries in their onslaught. The Barracuda was forced from her job by attempted bankruptcy. The shrub that had brought The Barracuda to everyone's attention even failed to defend her. The Berries and liberal Bushes celebrated their victory, but it was short lived. The Barracuda had been angered and began to work toward the defeat of both the liberal Bushes and especially the Berries.
Now the next election is around the corner, and the Berries are suffering the results of their own actions, and Black Berry is not popular. The Bushes are gearing up to bring forth a newly crowned shrub to meet Black Berry on the field of electoral battle, but neither the Berries nor the Bushes are able to fully focus on the task at hand. Somewhere out there, in the deep, lurks a predator. One that is hungry. One that is angry. One that is determined. Out there lurks The Barracuda.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
What Are We Going To Do About It?
My boys and I went to the annual rodeo that comes to our little neck of the woods every September. As I sat there watching the ladies' barrel racing competition, I couldn't help tearing up just a bit. The thundering sound of a sprinting steed under the steady hand of a capable rider just screams freedom.
Unfortunately, freedom is under assault by insidious forces of darkness. Forces that would treat women as nothing more than chattel to be controlled and subjugated......
...forces hell bent on the confiscation of hard earned wealth for redistribution to those who did not earn it and do not appreciate it....
...forces that attack our sacred institutions....
...and our founding documents....
...forces of spiritual wickedness in high places.
So, what are we going to do about it?
Friday, September 2, 2011
Know Thy Enemy
America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.
Barack Obama
We need a foreign policy that distinguishes America's friends from her enemies, and recognizes the true threats that we face.
Sarah Palin
Barack Obama
We need a foreign policy that distinguishes America's friends from her enemies, and recognizes the true threats that we face.
Sarah Palin
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Ponzi Scheme
Bernie Madoff sits in a prison cell for running a ponzi scheme which bilked people out of millions of dollars. He offered people easy money on investment, not by investing, but by rewarding early investors with the investments of newer investors. There was never any money actually made; just rearrangement of the deck chairs. It finally caught up with Madoff.
The crazy thing is; our government is also running a ponzi scheme. Our "leaders", with our encouragement, keep running the scheme, and we keep reelecting them to do so. We know it as Social Security. Ideally, in a program like Social Security, investment into the program should be held to draw interest for a length of time before withdrawal, like a savings account. The problem is that our elected officials have raided those accounts to spend that money on pork barrel projects and social programs that we didn't have money for, and replaced it with IOU's.

Logically, Social Security should be like the triangle above. There should be a very large base of contributors at the bottom and a small contingent of beneficiaries at the top. The base should be significantly sustained by the entry young workers into the workforce. The beneficiaries at the top should be significantly smaller due simply to natural causes of death.

The problem we face is that the structure of Social Security now looks like the trapezoid above. Due to significant advances in modern medicine, Americans are living longer lives. The contingent of beneficiaries at the top has now grown significantly. Ideally, this shouldn't be a problem if our base of new workers entering the workforce is also growing by the same percentage, but it hasn't. One of the main reasons, in my opinion, is that 53 million potential American workers will never enter the workforce because they were murdered in the womb. Another reason is that our tax policies encourage American business to relocate its manufacturing overseas. You simply cannot increase the level of beneficiaries in the program while at the same time eliminating new workers coming into the system both physically and economically.

If something isn't done about Social Security, it will eventually look like the square above. This collapses. No one will be willing to work to simply support a Social Security beneficiary. Who is willing to expend their time, labor, and life to have it all taken for the benefit of another? When Social Security collapses and everyone invested loses everything, who joins Bernie Madoff in his prison cell?
The crazy thing is; our government is also running a ponzi scheme. Our "leaders", with our encouragement, keep running the scheme, and we keep reelecting them to do so. We know it as Social Security. Ideally, in a program like Social Security, investment into the program should be held to draw interest for a length of time before withdrawal, like a savings account. The problem is that our elected officials have raided those accounts to spend that money on pork barrel projects and social programs that we didn't have money for, and replaced it with IOU's.
Logically, Social Security should be like the triangle above. There should be a very large base of contributors at the bottom and a small contingent of beneficiaries at the top. The base should be significantly sustained by the entry young workers into the workforce. The beneficiaries at the top should be significantly smaller due simply to natural causes of death.
The problem we face is that the structure of Social Security now looks like the trapezoid above. Due to significant advances in modern medicine, Americans are living longer lives. The contingent of beneficiaries at the top has now grown significantly. Ideally, this shouldn't be a problem if our base of new workers entering the workforce is also growing by the same percentage, but it hasn't. One of the main reasons, in my opinion, is that 53 million potential American workers will never enter the workforce because they were murdered in the womb. Another reason is that our tax policies encourage American business to relocate its manufacturing overseas. You simply cannot increase the level of beneficiaries in the program while at the same time eliminating new workers coming into the system both physically and economically.
If something isn't done about Social Security, it will eventually look like the square above. This collapses. No one will be willing to work to simply support a Social Security beneficiary. Who is willing to expend their time, labor, and life to have it all taken for the benefit of another? When Social Security collapses and everyone invested loses everything, who joins Bernie Madoff in his prison cell?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Crucifixion of Sarah
I know that a lot of people will take offense at that title. It doesn't matter. Sarah Palin has been maligned and slandered more than anyone I've ever seen in my lifetime. She is hated by the left in this country. She is ostracized by the liberal right in this country. She is even blamed for inciting murder. I've asked myself why. It doesn't make sense. She's simply a woman who ran for office, won, and then was selected to run for Vice President. Why the blind, irrational hatred? The only thing I can think of is that she dared to disagree with Barack Obama.
She dared to call him out concerning his past associations. She dared to`question his socialist leanings. She dared to challenge his economic ideas. She dared to speak her mind. She became the enemy. She and McCain lost. She went back to Alaska.
She was content to go back to Juneau and be governor. She wasn't allowed to. They came after her. Clearly the object was to destroy her. They hamstrung her administration. She was having to waste her time and Alaska's money to defend herself. In office, she couldn't speak out. She was constrained by her position. Those who had chosen her as an enemy knew that. The goal was total destruction. I guess that she was to be the example. You don't question the machine. You sit back and allow yourself to be pillaged, and you keep your mouth shut about it.
They counted on Sarah Palin to be passive, they counted on her to shrivel and die, they counted wrong. She did the only thing she could have done. She resigned. They thought she was done. She wasn't.
She retreated, she fortified her position, she loaded her weapons, she performed a flanking maneuver, then she opened fire. She was immediately attacked. She counter-attacked. The left and the media closed ranks, but they soon discovered that this woman doesn't fight conventionally. She's a guerrilla. She fires on the run. She dodges from tree to rock to knoll. She moves right when they anticipate left. She darts left when they fire right. She's a ghost with a modem. A specter of the world wide web.
They throw everything at her, even charges of involuntary manslaughter. They cannot, will not, allow this woman to be President. I think they've missed the mark. She may run, but that's not the end goal. That's not the end all to be all. Sarah Palin is after more than the White House. She has set her eyes on the annihilation of the Marxist ideology seeking to infiltrate every aspect of American life. Her goal is freedom. Freedom to be free. Freedom to be. She's exposing the lily-livered media for what they are. She's exposing the President and Congress for what they are. She's Lysol to them. She has an uncanny ability to cut to the heart of matters, and it scares the Marxists in power to death. It rattles them to the core.
Sarah Palin may never be President. It will be to our shame. Nevertheless, she has done more for our future than most anyone I can think of. Thank you, Sarah. May God bless you, and may he bless The United States of America.
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Time Is Now
"There is no dignity
quite so impressive,
and no independence
quite so important,
as living within your means."
— Calvin Coolidge
$16,000,000,000,000 (Sixteen trillion dollars).
This is our national debt. It is equivalent to nearly $46,000 for every man, woman, and child in America.
Just how astronomical is $16,000,000,000,000? Well, let's think about it in terms of time. How long a period of time is 16,000,000,000,000 seconds?
16,000,000,000,000 seconds = 266,666,666,666.667 minutes
266,666,666,666.667 minutes = 4,444,444,444.445 hours
4,444,444,444.445 hours = 185,185,185.18 days
185,185,185.18 days = 26,455,026.46 weeks
26,455,026.46 weeks = 508,750.5 years
16,000,000,000,000 seconds = 508,750.5 YEARS.
Here's a list of the top ten countries by GDP as of 2010:
Notice that America's debt is now exceeding her GDP. This is not good.
Notice also that America's debt is nearly twice the GDP of China.
It's nearly four times the GDP of Japan, five times that of India and Germany.
President Obama's administration, along with the Democrat controlled Congress added the equivalent to the combined GDP's of Germany and the UK to America's national debt in less than three years, and the Congress has just approved raising the debt ceiling again in an amount comparable to the GDP of Russia.
Now, ask yourself if your elected officials in Washington have had your best interests at heart. They've spent and borrowed this ungodly amount in your name. You are on the hook to repay this debt; but not only you, your children and grandchildren and their children after them.
It is time for a house cleaning in Washington, and not just a sweeping of the floor. Every nook and cranny needs to be exposed. Every chair overturned. Every vermin eradicated from the house.
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 tells us there is a time for everything. Now is the time for action. We cannot, and America cannot, afford to allow the status quo to continue. We must find the courage to stand up and demand accountability from our leaders. We have, up to this point, failed in our responsibilities. The time is at hand. If not now, when? If not us, who? It's time to get down to business.
quite so impressive,
and no independence
quite so important,
as living within your means."
— Calvin Coolidge
$16,000,000,000,000 (Sixteen trillion dollars).
This is our national debt. It is equivalent to nearly $46,000 for every man, woman, and child in America.
Just how astronomical is $16,000,000,000,000? Well, let's think about it in terms of time. How long a period of time is 16,000,000,000,000 seconds?
16,000,000,000,000 seconds = 266,666,666,666.667 minutes
266,666,666,666.667 minutes = 4,444,444,444.445 hours
4,444,444,444.445 hours = 185,185,185.18 days
185,185,185.18 days = 26,455,026.46 weeks
26,455,026.46 weeks = 508,750.5 years
16,000,000,000,000 seconds = 508,750.5 YEARS.
Here's a list of the top ten countries by GDP as of 2010:
No. | Country | GDP (PPP) | Economy Value |
1. | USA | $ 14,260,000 trillion | |
2. | China | $ 8,789,000 trillion | $1.33 trillion |
3. | Japan | $ 4,137,000 trillion | $1.28 trillion |
4. | India | $ 3,560,000 trillion | |
5. | Germany | $ 2,811,000 trillion | |
6. | United Kingdom | $ 2,149,000 trillion | |
7. | Russia | $ 2,116,000 trillion | |
8. | France | $ 2,110,000 trillion | |
9. | Brazil | $ 2,025,000 trillion | |
10. | Italy | $ 1,760,000 trillion |
Notice that America's debt is now exceeding her GDP. This is not good.
Notice also that America's debt is nearly twice the GDP of China.
It's nearly four times the GDP of Japan, five times that of India and Germany.
President Obama's administration, along with the Democrat controlled Congress added the equivalent to the combined GDP's of Germany and the UK to America's national debt in less than three years, and the Congress has just approved raising the debt ceiling again in an amount comparable to the GDP of Russia.
Now, ask yourself if your elected officials in Washington have had your best interests at heart. They've spent and borrowed this ungodly amount in your name. You are on the hook to repay this debt; but not only you, your children and grandchildren and their children after them.
It is time for a house cleaning in Washington, and not just a sweeping of the floor. Every nook and cranny needs to be exposed. Every chair overturned. Every vermin eradicated from the house.
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 tells us there is a time for everything. Now is the time for action. We cannot, and America cannot, afford to allow the status quo to continue. We must find the courage to stand up and demand accountability from our leaders. We have, up to this point, failed in our responsibilities. The time is at hand. If not now, when? If not us, who? It's time to get down to business.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Big Ten
We do not need more intellectual power, we need more spiritual power. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that are unseen.
Calvin Coolidge
Our leadership in America today is missing something. We wonder why our "leaders" can't seem to figure out the simple or accomplish the obvious. They are missing something. They are missing moral authority. They are missing spiritual power. They are missing the favor of the Almighty in their legislative duties. You see, my friend; they have forgotten the Big Ten.
You shall have no other gods before me.
Yet our elected officials have made themselves gods to be obeyed, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
You shall not make for yourselves any idols.
Yet our elected officials have made POWER their idol, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Yet our elected officials use His name when convenient for personal gain, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.
Yet our elected officials mock and ridicule the worship of the Lord, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
Honor your father and your mother.
Yet our elected officials interfere with the authority of parents making decisions concerning their children, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
You shall not murder.
Yet our elected officials continue to uphold the murder of innocent unborn children as a 'right', and we who keep electing them are complicit.
You shall not commit adultery.
Yet our elected officials continue to undermine the sanctity of marriage in both actions and legislation, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
You shall not steal.
Yet our elected officials extort billions of dollars more than necessary for the Constitutional obligations of the government and squander them on corrupt programs and pet projects, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
You shall not bear false witness.
Yet our elected officials refuse to accept responsibility for their actions and instead look for scapegoats to cast blame upon, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.
Yet our elected officials promote class envy and class warfare to shift focus from their failures and to gain reelection, and we who keep electing them are complicit.
Our nation is in shambles because we refuse to demand accountability, honesty, and integrity from our elected officials, and quite frankly, from ourselves as well. We need, as Calvin Coolidge said, more spiritual power, more of the unseen. We need to return to what makes us great. We need to return to the Big Ten.
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