Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Crucifixion of Sarah

I know that a lot of people will take offense at that title. It doesn't matter. Sarah Palin has been maligned and slandered more than anyone I've ever seen in my lifetime. She is hated by the left in this country. She is ostracized by the liberal right in this country. She is even blamed for inciting murder. I've asked myself why. It doesn't make sense. She's simply a woman who ran for office, won, and then was selected to run for Vice President. Why the blind, irrational hatred? The only thing I can think of is that she dared to disagree with Barack Obama.

She dared to call him out concerning his past associations. She dared to`question his socialist leanings. She dared to challenge his economic ideas. She dared to speak her mind. She became the enemy. She and McCain lost. She went back to Alaska.

She was content to go back to Juneau and be governor. She wasn't allowed to. They came after her. Clearly the object was to destroy her. They hamstrung her administration. She was having to waste her time and Alaska's money to defend herself. In office, she couldn't speak out. She was constrained by her position. Those who had chosen her as an enemy knew that. The goal was total destruction. I guess that she was to be the example. You don't question the machine. You sit back and allow yourself to be pillaged, and you keep your mouth shut about it.

They counted on Sarah Palin to be passive, they counted on her to shrivel and die, they counted wrong. She did the only thing she could have done. She resigned. They thought she was done. She wasn't.

She retreated, she fortified her position, she loaded her weapons, she performed a flanking maneuver, then she opened fire. She was immediately attacked. She counter-attacked. The left and the media closed ranks, but they soon discovered that this woman doesn't fight conventionally. She's a guerrilla. She fires on the run. She dodges from tree to rock to knoll. She moves right when they anticipate left. She darts left when they fire right. She's a ghost with a modem. A specter of the world wide web.

They throw everything at her, even charges of involuntary manslaughter. They cannot, will not, allow this woman to be President. I think they've missed the mark. She may run, but that's not the end goal. That's not the end all to be all. Sarah Palin is after more than the White House. She has set her eyes on the annihilation of the Marxist ideology seeking to infiltrate every aspect of American life. Her goal is freedom. Freedom to be free. Freedom to be. She's exposing the lily-livered media for what they are. She's exposing the President and Congress for what they are. She's Lysol to them. She has an uncanny ability to cut to the heart of matters, and it scares the Marxists in power to death. It rattles them to the core.

Sarah Palin may never be President. It will be to our shame. Nevertheless, she has done more for our future than most anyone I can think of. Thank you, Sarah. May God bless you, and may he bless The United States of America.


  1. JMac, the reason that I find SP so appealing is because she does not apologize for her convictions. There are very few men in politics who have her level of integrity on the issues. Allen West may be in the running, otherwise, I see very few who can match her ability to be an open book, expressing her voice without fear of the Left and without apology. THIS is exactly why the Left fears her, and why so many can't stand her. She may not be able to pull off a presidential run, but she is very much needed in the public discourse in America.  Good post, JMac.
