Sunday, September 25, 2011

Facing The Giants

   "So, Coach; how strong is Westview this year?"
   "A lot stronger than we are."
   "You already written Friday night down as a loss, Brock?"

      Like Brock in the movie Facing The Giants;
the Republican establishment has nearly written 2012 off as a loss. They see President Obama as a lot stronger than we are. So, like Brock; they want to simply go to the 30 yard line. They have no vision, no desire to do the hard things. They aren't interested in the economic future of America; only in their election to office. 

   We are told by the establishment that we can't select a strong conservative. That we must choose a moderate. We need someone who will appeal to independents; someone who will not cause any ripple in the pond of the status quo. We need to select Mitt Romney.

   Mitt Romney is not a conservative. In fact he's far from conservative. Let's take a listen to Mitt, shall we?

   Mitt Romney sounds a lot like a liberal Democrat, now doesn't he?  At least he used to. Now of course, he's Mr. Conservative.  Are we really going to settle for Diet Obama in 2012? Do we really think that we can slow the car down as it careens toward the cliff and everything will be OK? Will driving the car over the cliff at 55 MPH be any less destructive than driving it off at 110 MPH?

   Quite frankly, I'm more interested in someone who might actually do the crazy thing; someone who might actually consider using the brake pedal and the steering wheel.  Someone who's looking to turn the car around.  Someone like Sarah Palin.

   Sarah Palin is not afraid to call a spade a spade.  She's what we need in the White House.  She doesn't fear the giants in her way.  She's not afraid to tackle the problem head on.  She's willing to turn the car around.  She knows what she thinks, and thinks what she says.  Sarah Palin will not settle for making it to the 30 yard line. She'll leave it all on the field driving for the end zone.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Bush, The Berry, and The Barracuda

 Once upon a time, there was a Bush who was President. This Bush was a good Bush, but sometimes he listened to bad advise. One day, the economy began to stall, so the well meaning Bush panicked and began to listen to advise from the liberal Bushes around him, not to mention allowing the thinking of the greatest enemies of the Bushes, the Berries, to infiltrate his decisions. He signed on to spending billions of dollars that had to be borrowed to "save the economy".

   Now, unfortunately for the Bushes, an election year was here. The Bushes had nominated a pathetic shrub for a candidate, but the opposing Berries had nominated the most clean, articulate Berry they could find. They nominated a Black Berry for President. Now, the volatile economic situation the nation found itself in, and the national weariness of the Bushes helped the Black Berry to storm through the election with big promises of hope and change, and the people were enthralled. The shrub chose, in a last ditch effort to make a wave in the election, a most unlikely running mate.

   The shrub picked The Barracuda. The Barracuda proceeded to light a fire of enthusiasm that rattled the Berries to the core. The decision was made by the Berries, with the help of a hostile media, to spear The Barracuda, to net The Barracuda, to destroy The Barracuda. The Berries, through malice, slander, and economic attack destroyed the Barracuda, or so they thought. After Black Berry won the election, the Berry attacks on The Barracuda continued, and in fact, a lot of self serving Bushes joined the Berries in their onslaught. The Barracuda was forced from her job by attempted bankruptcy. The shrub that had brought The Barracuda to everyone's attention even failed to defend her. The Berries and liberal Bushes celebrated their victory, but it was short lived. The Barracuda had been angered and began to work toward the defeat of both the liberal Bushes and especially the Berries.

   Now the next election is around the corner, and the Berries are suffering the results of their own actions, and Black Berry is not popular. The Bushes are gearing up to bring forth a newly crowned shrub to meet Black Berry on the field of electoral battle, but neither the Berries nor the Bushes are able to fully focus on the  task at hand. Somewhere out there, in the deep, lurks a predator. One that is hungry. One that is angry. One that is determined. Out there lurks The Barracuda.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What Are We Going To Do About It?

   My boys and I went to the annual rodeo that comes to our little neck of the woods every September. As I sat there watching the ladies' barrel racing competition, I couldn't help tearing up just a bit. The thundering sound of a sprinting steed under the steady hand of a capable rider just screams freedom.

   Unfortunately, freedom is under assault by insidious forces of darkness. Forces that would treat women as nothing more than chattel to be controlled and subjugated......

   ...forces hell bent on the confiscation of hard earned wealth for redistribution to those who did not earn it and do not appreciate it....

   ...forces that attack our sacred institutions....

   ...and our founding documents....

   ...forces of spiritual wickedness in high places.

     So, what are we going to do about it?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Know Thy Enemy

America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.
Barack Obama 

We need a foreign policy that distinguishes America's friends from her enemies, and recognizes the true threats that we face.
Sarah Palin 

